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The UK gaming market VS the world

Gaming Industry

The gaming industry in the UK is the 2nd largest market in Europe for gaming entertainment, making it one of the best geographical locations that gaming strives in the economic industry. In the UK's VR industry grows at a rate of +34% annually to reach $1.2 billion by 2022 as VR headsets are said to grow at an exponentially fast rate. The main 3 areas in the UK's gaming industry are game software, game hardware and game hardware, in which game software has paused in growth in the recent years dropping the value to £3.85 billion, game hardware dropped -14% in sales to the value of £1.35 whereas game culture climbed in a percentage of +28.5% to a new worth of £146 million, bringing the overall value of the uk game's industry to £5.35 billion.

Game Software

The game software consisting of Digital and online and boxed software make up 51% of all revenue in the UK's game software market. In the mobile game's department in software the value of its revenue increased again to +7.7% as of its top 3 lead performers of apps such as 'Candy Crush', 'Clash of Clans' and 'Roblox' creating a bigger name for mobile apps in more recent years as a bigger target audience for the games grow. Finally in retail it has taken a buoyed into decline by -21.7% after 2 strong years of popularity as well as in preowned stores it has also dropped by -18.7%. Making the overall percentage change as -2.1% from the end of 2018 to the end of 2019.

Game Hardware

The game hardware sector has taken a massive decrease in console hardware by -30.5% as well as accessories for the consoles also dropping. Separately though PC hardware has been increasing steadily by +6.1%, also in the market is standalone VR headsets which are rising to the top of the industry. Making the overall percentage change as -14% from the end of 2018 to the end of 2019.

Game Culture

The game culture sector has still been increasing as new merchandise from popular games that takes a favour to the younger variant of the world wide players such as 'fortnite-related toys' has increased the game culture value by +48%. The newest movie based on the games of 'pokemon' have had their movie 'detective pikachu' helps revenues by +24.9%. Making the overall percentage change as +28.5% from the end of 2018 to the end of 2019.

This concludes the Uk's valuation as it has decreased by -4.8% in 2019 compared to 2018.


However taking a look at the statistics for games in a country such as Germany who in 2018 had their industry of games increased by +9% with their Game Software increasing by +14% compared to the UK's loss of -2.1%. In the Game Hardware software, Germany had a decrease of -8% compared to the UK's -14% change showing they handled it slightly better. And lastly in Game Culture, Germany fell -35% in revenue compared to the UK's increase of +28.5% shows how much greater Game Culture is here in the UK compared to Germany. The German Games Market ranks in 5th place which the UK overtakes being in 2nd place showing a diverse match as the Game Culture is much greater in the UK.


Although Germany is a great country for the games industry to strive in the UK has more of an audience in the manor that is much more interested and devoted in purchasing Games and accessories than Germany. Another great divide fact i came across is how Television still strides far ahead of internet usage than Games by the thousands as seen in the image below it consumes much more of the internet per hour than a TV does with or without 4K or HD.


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