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A Deep Dive into Monster Hunter World

To start off the "Deep dive" blog we have to give a mention to the chosen game that chose to work with us on this project and gave us an exclusive interview with the creator/developer of the infamous game series Monster Hunter, exclusively Monster Hunter World.

Monster Hunter World is an Action RPG game that is set in a non-realistic world that when research was done we discovered that it took inspiration from the 15th century era of war and weaponry to fight mythical creatures as factions. The game can either be set in single player or multiplayer and played with players across the world to assist each other in the storyline arcs where battles become more fierce and more teamwork may be required if a player struggles with the game. The game teaches the player its own gameplay so that the player can learn and adapt to the controls, positioning, teaches you after a few deaths how to not fail a quest and communicate with the players to follow through with using teamwork.

Society in Monster hunter is inspired by the 15th century so society back then was quite old fashion and slower in industrial movement. Back then people were treated much differently in different ways from now and can teach people part of history as the game goes on. The way that the story in the game is portrayed can make people feel attached to the characters or feel a negative feeling towards a negative character to show the division line of good and evil within the game.

As the storyline deepens further into the game we start to see things that are repeated from real life in terms of how far a human goes and how factions fall and align with each other. The way the game portrays the timeline of the game has similar ties with real life history in the way of different factions joining together to fight a much bigger opponent and when discovering a new world/continent which leader of the world gets which parts of it.

The way the game can see punishing players who don't respect its rule and way of gameplay is shown in the system of its death and life cycle of the player that goes in the way of the player who doesn't listen to the game on how to play it correctly goes up against a monster and dies after putting in so much effort as they could've killed it quicker when using certain methods the game wants you to use, so you die and get sent back to the start of the map 3 times before it just cancels the adventure you're on to force you to rethink and try again.

The game's sales up until now has reached over 20 million copies which has allocated a huge fanbase and community around the game which all just started from a Japanese company producing the first monster hunter on the PS2 in 2004.

That is all from the Deep Dive post for this week, tune into the next one so that we will see you soon, and thank you for reading.

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